Preferences : Build

Preferences dialogue box : "Build" settings


Use which C++ compiler


To run a Simile model at maximum speed, it is converted into a c++ program. This program must then be compiled into executable code. The Windows and (up to release 5.4) Mac versions of Simile include a compiler (GNU g++) and associated tools to allow the code to be created without anything else being installed. This is the 'Default' compiler choice.

The Linux and current Mac versions do not include a c++ compiler; there must be one present on your system. Most Linux machines have one already, and if you do not, it should be simple to add it via your distribution's package management tools. If you have installed Simile as a .deb or .rpm package, the installation process will ensure that the compiler is also installed from the repository. This preference option does not appear on Linux. The Mac version will prompt you to install XCode command-line tools when you run Simile, if it is not already installed. This includes the GNU c++ compiler, which will then be the only choice available.

Even if you have a built-in compiler, you may wish to use another that is present on your system. This choice allows you to do so. Models can be compiled and linked using either Microsoft Visual C++ (Windows only, any 32-bit version) or GNU G++ (version 2.95.2 or later). The GNU compiler is included in the XCode Tools for the Mac, and is available for Windows as part of the MinGW toolchain. Hence on Windows you will see the 'default' option, plus the 'GNU' and 'Microsoft' options if the appropriate compilers have been installed.

Pause to edit c++ code

This option allows you to look at, and perhaps modify, the c++ program generated by Simile before it is compiled. This can be educational, and allows you to include the model source code in other tools. Because it is primarily used for debugging, this option also turns on various other messages relating to code generation.

Extra compiler flags

An 'expert' option -- add text here to specify optimization, inclusion of debugging symbols, saving of intermediate files and other exotic compiler features.

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