What's new in Simile v4.0?
Released 7 September 2004
Selecting model diagram elements
Cut / copy / paste elements on the model diagram canvas using a new, more consistent selection tool
Opening multiple models
Open multiple models simultaneously, allowing copy and paste to work between models.
Creating enumerated lists
Refer to collections of objects by name, rather than index number, such as an array of “fruits” with indices “apples”, “oranges” and “pears”.
Working with units
Use physical units, such as kg/s, with automatic error-checking of dimensions in equations.
Using Runge-Kutta integration
Run simulations with more numerical accuracy with less computer power, using Runge-Kutta integration.
Using one-sided relationship enumeration
Build spatial models with more grid squares, using a new one-sided relation enumeration. Performance now scales with the number of pixels, not the square of the number of pixels.
Using iterative methods
Construct in-step iterative loops to solve common modelling problems.
Reversing time
Perform simulations backward! Specify the final conditions of the model, and run time backwards to determine how the system must have looked in the past.
Saving packages
For easier distribution of a model and its associated display configurations and scenario files.
Accessing external data
Access external data more quickly using the improved file parameters, including the option to create as many instances of a submodel as there are items of data.
Halting model execution
Halt models under user-specified conditions using the new stop function.
Using time series data
Variable parameters can get values from a column in a file as well as from helpers esp. sliders.
Scripting model execution
Use SimileScript to control simulations without user interaction, for simulation experiments, e.g. automating simulations of different scenarios. Scripts can be devised for sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation. Scripts can be run from the command line or from the built-in console.
Other new stuff
Enjoy the cleaner look-and-feel, including the new hierarchical function list, allowing easier access to user-defined functions in C++.
Download Simile Version 4.0 now.
Upgrading If you are interested in upgrading, we are offering existing Simile v3.x customers the special upgrade price of US$ 245 for the Standard Edition. Please contact sales@simulistics.com.