Make new version of Simile available to from UberCart downloads

 Make new version of Simile available to from UberCart downloads

Files: table uc_files list fies available for download
fields: fid, path
Full Texts fid filename
Edit Delete 94 Standard/Simile-4.8_Linux.tar.gz
Edit Delete 93 Standard/Simile48.exe
path starts at /private (though setable somewhere)
shown at
upload new file using form on the page OR
add file to /private tree and add to uc_files reloading
note fid of new files, new version of standard and enterprise editions
File products, table uc_file_products, description and link to actual files
pfid fid model description shippable
Full Texts pfid fid model description shippable
Edit Delete 2 111 SimileSEWin Download Simile Standard Edition for Windows 0
Edit Delete 5 114 SimileSELinux Download Simile Standard Edition for Linux 0
Edit Delete 6 115 SimileSEMacOsX Download Simile Standard Edition for MacOsX 0
Edit Delete 3 89 SimileEEWindows Download Simile Enterprise Edition for Windows 0
Edit Delete 7 91 SimileEELinux Download Simile Enterprise Edition for Linux 0
Edit Delete 8 90 SimileEEMacOsX Download Simile Enterprise Edition for MacOsX 0
NOTE old fid for given pfid
need to update the Simile Edition file id to point to the new version
NOTE new fid, pfid pair
Full Texts fid uid pfid key granted accessed addresses
Edit Delete 39 22 0 fc93a93a358196074a69b799d228190f 1216418198 0 a:0:{}
  39 12 0 ec02f7c1e2934ccab4d80ad87ccd3863 1216462913 1 a:1:{i:0;s:12:"";}
Edit Delete 16 12 0 3353b602579eff0a63c9f9e20d088784 1216462989 0 a:0:{}
the records contain fids not only pfid's. Bit annoying as it could find out the fid from uc_file_products where pfid = $desired_pfid
So, the fid must be updated to the new value  where pfid = $desired_pfid