Preferences : Save

Preferences dialogue box : "Save" settings

Save models as canvas or model file only

Saving canvas data to a separate .cnv file allows the screen to be redrawn more quickly when loading models. It does not affect the model itself, and all the diagram information is still saved with the .sml model file. The default is to save the canvas information.

Show how many reopen options

The "File" menu contains a recently-used file list, to speed up re-opening models. The number of entries on this list is controlled here.

Unsaved edits

These options control what to do if closing a window with an unsaved model (full or short save reminder) or if leaving the equation bar after having made changes to its contents (apply change, abandon change, or ask what to do in a dialogue).

Leaving equation bar

If you are editing a component's equation in the equation bar, you van save the new version by hitting newline or selecting the 'tick' button. This option specifies whether to also save the new version if you just go straight to some other action in the model window. If this is chosen, beware that you may get an error message at an unexpected moment if the equation is not valid when you exit the edit.

Saving .csv files

The most widespread version of the .csv data file format is to have the rows separated by newlines and the columns separated by commas. However, other column separators are occasionally used, such as semicolon and space (note that the entry field will appear the same with a space in it as with nothing!) This controls the column separator used when writing .csv data from the snapshot tool, the data table helper or the logging helper. The column separator to use when reading a .csv file can be set in the file parameter dialogue.

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