Controlling a simulation and displaying results is performed within the Model Run Environment (MRE). The single-window MRE provides flexible self-contained access to all the controls needed to perform a simulation and to display the results.
It is divided into a number of sections. In the upper left corner is the "Run Control". In the lower left corner is a tabbed panel containing the model "Explorer". On the right hand side are four notebook pages, which can each contain one or more "helpers". Helpers are used to display the behaviour of a model whilst it is running, for example, a graph of a variable, or a data table. Helpers are also used to provide data for the model, for example, using "Input sliders".
To add a helper to a page, select the required helper from the "Add" menu. The three most commonly used helpers can be selected using these buttons on the tool bar:
the plotter;
the data table; and
the Input sliders.
The pages can be divided vertically or horizontally, to allow more than one helper to be display on each page, and pages can be added or removed. Once one or more helpers have been added to the pages, and are arranged as you wish, the configuration can be saved to a file, for use the next time the same model is built.
Add notebook |
Creates a new notebook, initially with four pages, in the current pane |
Add notebook page |
Adds a page to the notebook containing the current pane |
Divide pane vertically or horizontally |
Splits a pane into two new ones separated by a sash which can be dragged |
Add plotter |
Add table |
Add sliders |
Add other helper |
Copy display to clipboard |
Copies helper window to Simile's clipboard; also copies its graphics to system clipboard for pasting into other graphical applications |
Cut display to clipboard |
As above but also removes helper window from the pane |
Paste display from clipboard |
Inserts a copy of the helper window from the clipboard to the current pane, with the same setup |
Delete display or helper |
Removes helper window from pane, or deletes pane if it is already empty |
Print display contents | Prints the graphics of the helper in the current pane |
New configuration |
Sets MRE to its initial state of one notebook with four empty pages |
Open configuration |
Loads a previously saved configuration. Model components referred to by the helpers in the configuration should exist in the current model. |
Save configuration |
Saves a configuration for reloading later, or for inclusion in a model package. |
In: Contents >> Running models
You will probably be working with a particular model over a period of time, testing it, modifying it and exploring its behaviour. Often, you will want to have the same displays each time you run a simulation. Simile enables you to save a particular configuration of helpers in a file, and re-load them on a subsequent occasion.
You will probably be working with a particular model over a period of time, testing it, modifying it and exploring its behaviour. Often, you will want to have the same displays each time you run a simulation. Simile enables you to save a particular configuration of helpers in a file, and re-load them on a subsequent occasion.
Each configuration can contain one or more instances of one or more types of helper, each instance linked up to particular variables in the model. You can have several configurations for the same model. You can also use the same configuration for different models - perhaps slightly different versions of one model - so long as the variable names are the same. For this reason, configurations are stored in separate files, and not in the file used to save the model itself.
Any existing helpers are closed and removed by selecting a new configuration. It is only necessary to name the configuration when saving it, in which case any suitable name and directory can be chosen in the usual way.
The procedure for saving configurations differs, depending on whether the single or multiple-window run time environment is selected.
The procedure for loading configurations differs, depending on whether the single or multiple-window run time environment is selected.
In: Contents >> Running models >> Working with helpers