Thu, 28/02/2008 - 11:54 — jonathanm
Editing an issue detaches it from it's project. A nonsense pid value is assigned.
Drupal issue: project* namespace bugs in $node
Thu, 28/02/2008 - 11:54
Mon, 28/04/2008 - 09:54
project* namespace bugs in $node indicates that this is caused by a namespace clash. After all the traffic on the Drupal site I am suprised that it is not fixed in project_issue 5.x-2.0 but I have done a search and replace in project_issue scripts changing pid to projiss_pid. The same change has been made to field names in the project_* database tables. Care will have to be taken when upgrading.
Actually, there may be a work around. Just don't edit the main issue itself but just add comments. The project status can be altered when adding a comment. This would allow us to leave the code and database alone.
This will become critical when Drupal is about to be updated.
Changed database field names back to original. Upgraded to project 5.x-1.2 and project_issues 5.x-2.1 so scripts are unmodified too.
Don't edit the original issue add a comment -- the status can be changed from a comment -- so there is no need to edit the issue. Therefore change priority to minor.
Can edit_issue access be denied to all?
Editing the issue main entry itself is now denied to all. This prevents the issue becoming detached from the project.
Extra information is given by adding comments. Issue attributes (such as status and assigned) can be changed when adding a comment.