European Commission Directorate-General for Research :
Position paper on declarative modelling
Dr. Robert Muetzelfeldt, an honorary fellow of the School of
Informatics, University of Edinburgh, and a founder of Simulistics
Ltd., was commissioned by the European Commission Directorate-General
for Research, Sustainable development, global change and
ecosystems, to prepare a “Position
paper on declarative modelling in ecological and environmental
research”. This paper is a comprehensive analysis of the
merits of declarative modelling, and the opportunities it presents.
- 981 kB
European Journal of Agronomy :
The Simile visual modelling environment
For an overview of Simile, and in particular its application to
agro-ecological simulation models, the best place to start is a
recent article in the European Journal of Agronomy, entitled “The Simile visual modelling
environment”. - 275
Getting to know Simile
For a more detailed view of Simile, and the motivation behind it,
the best place to start is with the document “Getting to know Simile”. - 715 kB
This document also contains several examples of how various
ecological modelling topics are tackled in Simile, including the
modelling of energy flow in ecosystems, population dynamics, and
landuse change.
How Simile Works
Here is a document explaining how Simile constructs and executes
the programs that run its models. We hope that this will serve to
elucidate the behaviour of models containing combinations of Simile's
special features. “How Simile
Works”. - 559 kB
Manual for PEST Freeware parameter estimation tool
Since version 4.5, Simile includes a graphical tool to allow
parameter estimation to be carried out using PEST from within Simile's model
execution environment. This enables Simile users to do various kinds
of model analysis without needing to know about PEST's file formats
etc. Since the latest edition (5th) of the PEST manual does not
appear anywhere else on the web, and the license allows its
duplication with acknowledgement, we include it
here. - 1.9MB
These presentations are provided, “as is”, in case
they may be found useful. They were made for Simile version 3 and so
the screen shots are out of date, however, the concepts remain the
On-line help
Comprehensive documentation of the Simile visual modelling
software is provided with the software help file, which is also available to
browse on-line.