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Resizing window - maximizing, minimizing, moving around

Does anyone else encounter somewhat irritating problems with resizing the view in your model diagram window? Whenever I open a saved model, it usually opens up off center. On frequent occasions, when I zoom or "zoom to fit", I lose the bottom scroll bar even if the entire model is not displayed on the screen. I also think that in an older version (I'm using 4.4 now) there was a "hand" tool that would let you "move" the grid display around? Whether a real or imagined former utility, it would be greatly appreciated in any future versions.

Another thing that would improve navigability would be the use of the "scroll" wheel on my mouse. This doesn't seem to function in the Simile model window. I have a model formulation with many different submodels that requires a lot of movement around the window, zooming and whatnot, so any tips on how to make some of these issues go away would be great!


OK I'll try and get the wheel going in 4.5.

Note that 'zoom to fit' fits the model along one side, so one scrollbar will disappear because you no longer need it -- the whole model is already displayed in that dimension.

Back to the wheel -- we all agree it should do vertical scroll. But other apps use shift-wheel and ctrl-wheel for zoom and horizontal scroll, respectively or otherwise. Does anyone have strong preferences for which should be which? I think Firefox is right, and ctrl-wheel should zoom.


Great stuff - version 4.5 has the scroll AND the hand is back. Thanks!!!