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Running Simile tcl scripts in Linux

It is critical to our project to be able to run scripts on linux, since we will be running large models, so I would really like to get this working.

Below is some information: Basically, all this script does is try to load SimileAutoObj, and it is not working. Until this loads, I can't really do much.

If this will not work, I need to know as soon as possible so we can evaluate our options.



append env(PATH) {/Simile/System/bin}
lappend auto_path {/Simile/System/lib/SimileAutoObj}

package require SimileAutoObj

environment variable:




$ /Simile/System/bin/wish test.tcl


Could not find a stub for Simile 4.6 and TclTk 8.4 under unix -- couldn't load file "/Simile/System/lib/Stubs/": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
while executing
"error "Could not find a stub for Simile $userinfo(Version) and TclTk ${MAJ}.${MIN} under $tcl_platform(platform) -- $dummy""
(procedure "load_c_stub_1" line 7)
invoked from within
(procedure "ControlDraw" line 75)
invoked from within
"ControlDraw {GNU Prolog 1.2.18}"
invoked from within
"catch $withCrs retVal"


Hiya, just copying my email reply here for others' benefit...

I was able to reproduce your problem, and fixed it by setting an environment
variable in my shell before calling the script. I used this command:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jaspert/Simile/System/lib

(insert your own pathname for Simile). Sadly, setting env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
inside the script does not have the same effect. If you want to fully
automate the process you would set this and call the script from a shell
script, such as happens when you call Run/simile to start Simile
interactively under Linux.

Hope this enables you to get it working