When you save a model, Simile will try to save all the information required to get back to what you were doing when you open it again. If the model is running, Simile will save the executable code and the run information (execution time, integration method and the rest) and the model will start running again as soon as it is opened. If you do not want this to happen, close the model run environment, or select 'Abort execution' under the Model menu, before saving.
In Simile version 7 and later, when you save a model, the file will include the information required to re-create the parameter scenario, the visualization tool setup and the experiment setup, if they exist. Opening the file later will restore all of these. (Note that raw data in .csv and image files is not saved with the model; this must either be present in the same location relative to the model file as when it was saved, or explicitly incorporated into the scenario). Separate scenario, visualization tool and experiment setup files can still be saved and loaded after the model file is opened.
In earlier versions, if a scenario file has been associated with the model (either by loading one or by saving one) the saved model will include a reference to this file, so the parameters will be reloaded without further action when the model is opened. Similarly, if a helper setup file has been associated with the model, the saved model will include a reference to this too, and the helper setup will be restored as soon as it is opened. When opening the model, the files must be in the same location relative to it as when it was saved.
To open an existing file from disk, click the "Open" button on the toolbar or select the "Open" command from the "File" menu. The "Open" command will load a model (using the normal file dialogue box) into a new window, unless your existing window is blank, in which case it will be used for the opened model. |
To save the model you are working on, click the "Save" button on the toolbar or select the "Save" or "Save As" commands from the "File" menu. If you have not already saved your model, the effect of these commands is the same. If you have already saved your model, the "Save As" command allows you to select a new file name for this revision. The "Save" command and the "Save" button on the toolbar will use the same name as before. |
The "New" button on the toolbar has the effect of re-using the existing window for a new model. Note the difference from the behaviour of the "New" command on the "File" menu, which creates a new empty window. |
The "Close" command will close your model (prompting you to save it, if it has changed) and also close the current window. If the current window was the last window open, closing it will exit Simile (except on the Mac, where Simile keeps running with no windows). The "Exit" command will close all your models (with prompts to save any modifications) and windows, and exit Simile.
Double-clicking on a Simile model in Windows Explorer, Finder on the Mac or most Linux file managers will open the model in a new Simile window. Dragging a Simile model file icon to the Simile icon will open the model in a new window.
On building a model, when multiple windows are open, a run control is presented as usual. If multiple models are built, then multiple run controls will be presented. Each run control is associated with one particular model window, and you can use the "Go to model window" and
"Go to run control" toolbar buttons to move back and forth between the pair.
New major versions of Simile may use a new model file format. Information on this, and the relationship between it and previous file format is given for advanced users. |
Prolog-format model declarations |
C++ source code and compiled libraries |
Save model diagram as vector graphics |
Understanding Simile's error reporting tool |
In: Contents