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Cannot assign other users to an issue

From our point of view this is a bug but it seems a design choice by Drupal for their projects.  (Not an ideal choice though, I think.)

Any administrator can create issue records but even if we have agreed who will do what the assigned person has to edit the issue themselves to update the assigned field.

This has aleady been added as a feature request,, and has some hacks that may work for our site.

It would be better if people signed up for a project and could then be assigned issues to deal with.


Sun, 02/03/2008 - 11:37
Mon, 12/05/2008 - 10:23


Module project_maintainers has been installed. On the project edit tab users can be added as maintainers. Those users can then assign any maintainer to the issue.

The fix for editing-issue-detaches-its-project has broken the project-maintainers mechanism (renaming pid).

The fix for editing-issue-detaches-it-its-project has been reversed and any project maintainer can now be assigned to a task by another maintainers.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for two weeks with no activity.