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Increasing the length of a number fron 10 to 16

I have created a matix of hexigons or Tampa that numbers in the millions.  Each has an identifying number defined by a distance from a center point.  for example 26733.8887760666.  If not a neighbor the number would be 26733.8887761072.  They differ in the last five digets.  Is there some way to get around this.  Because Simile doesn't upload the last five digets I get 12 instead of 6 neighbors.

John E. Rogers04
Tue, 17/04/2012 - 19:44
Fri, 12/10/2012 - 12:40


I've just checked that Simile recognizes the values above as being different, whether they are entered directly into an equation or loaded as fixed parameters, so I am not sure what is causing your problem. Simile represents all decimals as double-precision (64-bit) floating-point values, which gives about 16 digits of precision. You can set the number of digits displayed using the 'Run' tab of the preferences menu.