I am trying to interact with a Simile model from R. I installed the simile package. When I run
use.simile.at(path.to.installation), I get the following error:
Error in structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), class = "tclObj") :
[tcl] can't find package Trf.
I am running R version 3.1.1 on a Mac with OSX Yosemite 10.10.2.
What do I need to do to fix this?
Sorry for taking so long to
Sorry for taking so long to reply to this!
On the Mac, Simile uses the system's built-in library of TclTk add-on packages. However these are not available by default to the TclTk package in R. In order to make them available, you need to execute an extra command after require(Simile):
After doing this you can continue to set up the interface as described in the manuals.