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Simile version 7.2 released

Simile version 7.2 released!

This minor release features some significant improvements in looks, functionality and robustness. Key points:


  • Model diagram items now highlight automatically when hovered over, indicating which item would be selected by a click at that point. Makes it easier working with cluttered parts of model diagrams. Can be disabled in preferences.
  • Windows and Linux versions now include the 'darkonic' widget theme in preferences, to blend in with Dark mode. MacOS always applied a dark theme automatically -- for the time being, 'darkonic' must still be selected from preferences.


  • The Data Table helper included formatting options to show model values as times or dates. Bizarrely, this was not available for the time values themselves! This has been put right. The time values on the plotter X axis can also now be formatted as times or dates. (Note that when formatting as dates, values are interpreted as Julian dates, with time 0 being around 4713 BCE. If using this feature it is a good idea to set 'time at reset' to some value that makes sense as a Julian date.)
  • When a component's equation is first entered, or edited, a line is added automatically to the component's comment giving the author's username and the date of the edit. This can be altered by editing the comment in the equation dialogue, or disabled from preferences.


  • Selecting unusual values for the time step or execution period could cause the model to stop executing before reaching the end of the execution period, or the period not to be reset automatically when reaching the end. These issues were due to rounding errors and have now been fixed.
  • It was always quite difficult to drag a border node (crossing point) around a submodel boundary. The addition of the highlighting of hovered over features made the problem easier to spot, and it has now been fixed -- a border crossing can be dragged by any point on the arrow or blob. 

Download Simile v7.2 now!

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