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successive cycles requiring to re-set parameters

I am attempting to model oestradiol production by follicles of bovine ovaries. In brief, 7 follicles are growing simultaneously at different rates and interacting together (e.g. larger follicles prevent smaller to grow) and then regressing if they don't reach a certain level of oestradiol production that allows ovulation. While they are regressing, another hormone (FSH) is accumulating and when this hormone reaches a threshold, the 7 old follicles (corresponding to 7 instances of the "follicles" submodel) "disappear" and 7 new follicles are committed to grow, and so on until ovulation occurs. Several "waves" (of follicles) follow one another until ovulation occurs. The new follicles have the same initial conditions as the previous ones, but their environnement evolves progressively through the time, thus altering growth rates and oestradiol production, and allowing endly ovulation. At the beginning of the new wave, some parameters of the model (that influence growth rate) also have to be re-set. I only managed to simulate a single wave but I fail to reproduce successive waves. How can I deal with this ? How can I re-set parameters when a new wave starts ? How can I register the time a new wave started ?

Thanks in advance,

