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Simile 4.7 eval doesn't show GUI when .exe is run?

Hi everyone --

I managed to get the GUI to pop open once, but now it won't (running simile.exe, version 4.7 trial). A couple of colleagues of mine are also having the same problems. When I run the .exe, I see a process for simile and that's all, no application.

I'm running on a WinXP professional machine w/ 1GB ram. The software is installed in C:\simile47 (no spaces in the dirname)

Are there any parameters I need to configure for the GUI/application to pop up?



X-Y plotter

I'd like to have teh X-Y plotter use only one colour as it collects points. I've opened up the tcl file but I'm not quite sure what I'm doing in there - has anyone tweaked this tool to use only one colour?

Much obliged,



large tables

I've been using the table command to read in a time series of solar irradiance. This has worked fine when the number of values in the table is for eight years (2920 irradiance values). However, when I try to double this amount I run into trouble with Simile. Any tips?


Appending table data to a file in a Simile script

We recently had a query from a user who is using scripting to make several runs of the same model and wanting to append data saved from the table display to one file. (Rather than a file for each run using RunControl::SaveToFile.)

At the moment there is no command to append table data to a file. However, I have had the same requirement and wrote a Tcl scipt to do the job and I post it below. (The SimileScript comands are built as an extension to the Tcl scripting language and so Tcl is available in Simile scripts.)


ROUNDing to nearest No.


i noticed you have floor and ceiling functions which round a
number either up or down,
but i need to round to the nearest whole number,
i tried ROUND(X,number of decimals) like excel but that doesnt work
do you have a function that does that?



array delay

I'd like to use a variable that takes the value of another variable from the last time step. The other variable happens to be an array. I use the equation:


However, this produces the following:

Testing Equation field produced the following error: Your explicit intermediate result, [array], has brackets round it that would indicate an array of single values. However it actually stands for an array of arrays of single values so should appear as follows: [[array]].

I should mention that the array is within a population submodel.


entering whole tables into simile, not one column at a time


I have a CSV file with 140 indices in one column (the first column)
each indice then has 206 values which are represented as one value
per column.
that makes 206 columns of data. (28,840 separate values)

i need to import this table into simile so that it forms a data structure like this

[#1 {#1 .........#206},#2...........#140 {#1......#206}]
where #1 to #140 are part of a fixed membership submodel
and #1 to #206 are arrays for each of the instances.


influence arrow option

Can I use the influence arrow option to "use values made in same time step" even if it's not linked to an iteration clock?


Linking comments to chapters in a document/web pages

Hey there

for demonstrations sake, i feel that it would be
good to be able to view a link in the comments field
that pops up when you run your pointer over a
specific variable or flow etc.
This link could take the observer to the relevant page/chapter/web page
that documents and describes that section in detail and the reason for
its existence etc..

i have too much to say to put the text/explanatory graphs in the popup box as it would make the box too big and annoying.


My submodel does not allow me to double click on it


im having a problem at the moment.

i have a blank work sheet
i create a submodel with nothing in it
i then double click on it so that i can adjust the number of instances
of that submodel and an error message comes up saying something
like 'dissagreggation already exists in parent'
this is after closing simile, and then opening a blank worksheet..





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