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jonathanm's blog

Drupal Content types, model entry, tutorial and big report

Drupal has Content types, e.g. Page, Story and blog entry. We can add types and should use that for Model catalogue entries and Tutorials.

  • A bonus when using Content types is that the Create content item would add Model catalogue entries and Tutorials as choices of types to create.
  • permissions to view, create, edit their own topics and edit all topics of a certain content types can be assigned to user groups.

Started to add the news mechanism

Created a News category for  stories  (articles)

  • (I'm not sure of any real reason to use a Story topic rather than an ordinary Page.)
  • All the News stories can then be found by clicking on the News link in the Categories > Articles type page under Administration. I noted the URL it sent me to.

Added News menu item and linked it to the above noted URL.



  • Make a side bar with just titles.


WYSIWYG edited pages have no new lines

Paragraphs are correctly enclosed in <p></p> and no <br> are used. Oviously at the moment the CSS doesn't create a new line at the end of a paragraph.

Adding an empty line in the doesn't help as it just adds an empty paragraph (actually includes a non-breaking space).


I've forced my blog entries my going into the source and adding <br/>. We should comply with XHTML and close all tags.


Changed the Category "Type" to "Page type"

This category applies to pages and book pages so the new name is more explanatory.

Subcategories or "terms" in Drupal terminology are Model entry (for pages describing a model, especially for the model catalogue) and Tutorial.

Started to add the Simile Book as a Drupal book

I've started to add the Simile Book as a Drupal book .

See the TWiki Simile Book page.

FCKeditor installed

I installed the FCKeditor to provide WYSIWYG editing. It seems good.

I was then able to paste the Declarative modelling page in including the image.

A disadvantage is now there is no spell check and I got used to Firefox text editor providing that.


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