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creating and running tcl scripts vs. C++ programs


I have been looking for documentation on how to run scripts vs. C++ programs, and can't find a whole lot.

So, I have a few questions:

- Can one run a simile tcl script from the command line in UNIX/LINUX?

- I am having a little trouble understanding the syntax to run a model "run control" versus other objects, so very simple example of how to run a model that does not require a run window to pop up would be very helpful.

- Alternatively, if I export a .dll, how can I use it?
Again, a simple example would be very useful. (Since dlls are dynamically loaded libraries, can I just "include" it in an executable? Or how do I otherwise "run" such an exported model?)




You can use the UNIX shebang mechanism to run a tcl script from the command line in UNIX/LINUX. Include the Tcl fragment shown in at the top of your script and change the path C:/Program Files/Simile42 to the Simile install path on your system.

It is necessary to create a run control object to provide the commands to control the simulation. If you don't want the run control window to show use the Hide option, e.g. .
runControl Hide where runControl is the run control object you created.

Support for using model dlls is included with the Enterprise Edition licence.
