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problem with an ubuntu 8.04 install


I am experiencing some issues with an install of Simile-4.4 onto an ubuntu 8.04 build. I have installed the software using previous ubuntu builds without any issues but I am coming up with something that appears to originate with:

./shank.cpp: In constructor model::Model(char*):

./shank.cpp:648 warning: depreciated conversion from string constant to 'char*'

This is then followed by a list of similar issues.

Any ideas as this problem has me stumpted at present?

Nick Stephens

Nicholas Stephens
Mon, 20/10/2008 - 14:52
Fri, 24/04/2009 - 14:03


This happens because Ubuntu includes a fairly recent version of gcc, which generates warnings (interpreted as errors by Simile) about some of the constructs used in Simile. You can either upgrade to Simile v5.3, or install a 'compatibility' version of gcc and g++. Ubuntu includes many versions of gcc and g++, including 4.0 which is OK with this version of Simile. You can install them using Synaptic, but you must change the symlinks in the terminal window to make these the new defaults. That goes:

$ cd /usr/bin

$ sudo ln -sf gcc-4.0 gcc

$ sudo ln -sf g++-4.0 g++

This is unlikely to affect any other applications. You can change them back by issuing the same commands substituting 4.2 (or 4.3 in Intrepid) for 4.0.

Thanks for reporting the problem


Thanks for the help Jasper, although be advised that the recent version of Hardy Heron installed here does not have gcc-4.0 or g++4.0. gcc-4.1 and g++-4.1 seems to work fine however.

