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Parallel computing in SIMILE

I'm currently developing a large seagrass growth model for Tampa Bat Fl.  I have created a unit model and have coupled it to a hexagon grid. For the detail that I need I use 1000000 hexagons which will make the model run for ever.  However i am considering dividing up the Bay into 10 to 20 more locallized hexagon  grids that I could run in paralell using the a single unit model.  Is there any way to do this within SIMILE or am I going to have to be more creative.

John E. Rogers04
Mon, 07/12/2009 - 19:35
Fri, 12/10/2012 - 12:28


Simile doesn't have any in built functionality for parallel execution of parts of models. (It does run the model in parallel to the visualisation since version 5.4 resulting in a speed up but that's not what you are looking for.)

It is possible use the model dll exported by the Enterprise Edition and a custom executable to run a unit model in parallel, on a cluster for example.


Do you have any thoughts of doing an upgrade to parallel computing?  This would be extremely useful in modeling large estuaries at a finer scale than is currently available.  Or could you provide some more detail on the dll (?) an the Enterprise Edition. and whats a cluster?

Providing parallel simulations is something we are interested in and we would welcome more input from users. What do users want? What computing systems do they have at their disposal? What systems do they want to work with?

A computer cluster is a collection of computers networked to provide a loosely coupled parallel computer, see Wikipedia.

Simile Enterprise Edition allows the user to export a model as compiled module. This module can be incorporated into another application to provide model results. Please contact for details.


On that, a while ago we tried to use the C++ in a different application without any succes.  Turned out the Simile C++ code calls for proprietory libaries not availble outside the Simile environment.  Now we are interested in using the prolog to xml translation capabilities you are developing using Xsugar.  Is there any documentation that would lead me through all the steps to get the parsing accomplished?

 Hi Gund_Institute,

The required libraries are redistributable, of course, or the whole scheme would not work. The support to build such an application is included with the  Enterprise Edition.

On the matter of prolog to xml transformation please see the web service at

