So I calibrated a model using PEST and then I ran predict by selecting a single value at 30 day intervals over 2556 days. After the run is complete you get an error message when you togle the view button. Message attached. My question is "Is it me or the code?"
error message
wrong # args: should be "EditListAsTable parent caption startLine valueArray"
wrong # args: should be "EditListAsTable parent caption startLine valueArray"
while executing
"EditListAsTable $winId tabData"
(procedure "TabPreds" line 5)
invoked from within
"TabPreds .mre2.mainpw.mainDisplayPane.notebook.fpage0.panedwindow.pane0.container"
(in namespace inscope "::pest20050803" script line 1)
invoked from within
"::namespace inscope ::pest20050803 {TabPreds .mre2.mainpw.mainDisplayPane.notebook.fpage0.panedwindow.pane0.container}"
invoked from within
".mre2.mainpw.mainDisplayPane.notebook.fpage0.panedwindow.pane0.container.notebook.results.pbf.rknobs.btn invoke"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
(procedure "tk::ButtonUp" line 24)
invoked from within
"tk::ButtonUp .mre2.mainpw.mainDisplayPane.notebook.fpage0.panedwindow.pane0.container.notebook.results.pbf.rknobs.btn"
(command bound to event)
Looks like the prediction capability hasn't been maintained to keep pace with changes to the rest of Simile. This will be fixed in Simile 6.2, which will be available in a week or two. Thanks for raising the issue.
Thanks for responding.
Simile v6.2 is now available, and fixes this problem.