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Model : cogrowth1
Simile version : 3.1+
Date added : 2003-06-25
Keywords :
Business model ;
Lumped model ;
This models the changing size of the sales force of a company, using feedbacks between the size of the sales force, the success of this sales force in selling goods, and further recruitment.
Source: Andrew Ford (1999): Modelling the Environment, p.64
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p064.sml |
Compartments: size of sales force Initial value = 50 Rate of change = + new_hires - departures Flows: new hires = hiring_fraction*(budgeted_size_of_sales_force-size_of_sales_force) departures = size_of_sales_force*exit_rate Variables: annual revenue in millions = widget_sales*widget_price/1000000 budgeted size of sales force = sales_dept_budget*1000000/average_salary effectiveness in widgets per day = graph(size_of_sales_force) sales dept budget = fraction_to_sales*annual_revenue_in_millions widget sales = size_of_sales_force*effectiveness_in_widgets_per_day*365 Parameters: average salary = 25000 exit rate = 0.2 fraction to sales = 0.5 hiring fraction = 1 widget price = 100
Ford, A (1999) Modeling the Environment.
Island Press. p.62
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