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Model : nprey_npred
Simile version : 4.8
Date added : 2007-03-03
Keywords :
This implements the feeding part of predator-prey model with multiple prey species and multiple predator species. Each predator species predates the multiple prey species as per the "multiprey disc equation" developed by Charnov (1974), and reported in "Serengeti" (Eds Sinclair and Norton-Griffiths) (1979), p.295. This has been extended to cater for multiple predator species.
The disc equaltion for the functional response of one predator species feeding on one prey species is:
E = a*N/(1+h*a*N)
With multiple prey, the equation (for one predator species) becomes:
Ei = ai*Ni/(1+sum(j=1...N of hj*aj*Nj)
This model implements this equation for multiple predator species.
Note that this model has the bare bones required just for handling the predation interaction. It is not a complete predator-prey model, since the normal population processes (reproduction for prey and reproduction and mortality for predator) are not included. The only such process that is included is the prey mortality rate through predation, since that is a core element of the analysis. On the predator side, the variable 'total_weight_eaten' would normally be used to influence the predators' reproduction and mortality rates.
All values are artificial, to make it easier to see what's happening. The model is not intended to be run. Rather, you can:
Model fileClick on the icon to download the model file. (You will need Simile to examine and run the model. A free evaluation version is available from the products page.) Some browsers may attempt to display the model file, rather than open it in Simile; in this case, use the browser back button to return to this page, and use the context menu (invoked by right-clicking on the link) to save the target file to disk. |
nprey_npred.sml | Model fragment for predation between multiple predator and multiple prey species |
Submodel Prey species Submodel Prey species is a fixed_membership submodel with dimensions [3]. Enumerated types: null Compartment Nprey Initial value = element([100,200,300],index(1)) Rate of change = - predation Flow predation predation = element(sum([[E_Npred]]),index(1)) Where: [[E_Npred]]=../Pred_eating/Prey_eating/E_Npred Variable weight weight = element([10,20,30],index(1)) Submodel Predator species Submodel Predator species is a fixed_membership submodel with dimensions [2]. Enumerated types: null Compartment Npred Initial value = element([1,2],index(1)) Variable total_weight_eaten total_weight_eaten = element([total_weight_eaten],index(1)) Where: [total_weight_eaten]=../Pred_eating/total_weight_eaten Submodel Pred_eating Submodel Pred_eating is a fixed_membership submodel with dimensions [2]. Enumerated types: null Variable sum_haN sum_haN = sum([h]*[a]*[Nprey]) Where: [Nprey]=../Prey species/Nprey [h]=Prey_eating/h [a]=Prey_eating/a Variable total_weight_eaten total_weight_eaten = sum([E]*[weight]) Where: [E]=Prey_eating/E [weight]=../Prey species/weight Submodel Pred_eating/Prey_eating Submodel Pred_eating/Prey_eating is a fixed_membership submodel with dimensions [3]. Enumerated types: null Variable E E = a*element([Nprey],index(1))/(1+sum_haN) Where: [Nprey]=../../Prey species/Nprey sum_haN=../sum_haN Variable E_Npred E_Npred = E*element([Npred],index(2)) Where: [Npred]=../../Predator species/Npred Variable a a = element(element([[0.01,0.02,0.03],[0.02,0.04,0.06]],index(2)),index(1)) Variable h h = element(element([[0.1,0.2,0.3],[0.2,0.4,0.6]],index(2)),index(1))
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