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Working with equations : Built-in functions

Built-in functions

Alphabetical list of most commonly used functions,  Trigonometric functions are listed separately. Please see the other categories at the bottom of the page for less common or recently added functions.

 Template  Effect





Returns the absolute value of X




Result is true if all the elements of the array [X] or the list {X} are true

boolean array/list




Result is true if any of the elements of the array [X] or the list {X} are true.

boolean array or list

at_init(X) Returns X's value when last initialized or reset Any Same as input


at_posn(C, X, Y)

Causes component to get value from instance of C in a grid submodel Any, two optional integers Scalar as 1st argument
binome(P, N) Returns a value from the binomial distribution with probability P and number of trials N

Real value from 0 to 1,                  Integer value

Integer value


Rounds up X to the next whole number



X is an immigration, reproduction or creation channel. Returns true if this individual appeared through that channel.

colin([X]) Returns an index to the given array, with probabilities proportional to the array's values Array of numeric values Integer or enumerated type member
const_delay(X, T) Returns the value of X as it was T time units earlier in the run, or 0 or "false" if the component did not exist at that time Any non-array type, numeric constant As 1st argument


Number of values in the array [X] or the list {X}

scalar array/list


delay1(x,t), delay3(x,t), delayn(x,t,n)

Insert a material delay of order 1, 3 or n


numerical, numerical, integer (delayn only)
dies_of(X) X is a loss channel. True if channel specifies the removal of the individual this time step. from loss channel Boolean


Returns the duration of the time step level I



Picks the I'th value form the array [X]

array of any type,integer or enumerated type member



Returns e to the power X


exprnd(mean [, seed])

Samples an exponential distribution

numerical[, integer] numerical
first(T) Returns "true" if argument is the first member of its enumerated type Enumerated type member Boolean
firsttrue([B]) Takes an array of booleans and returns the index of the first with value "true" Array of booleans Integer or enumerated type member


Rounds X down to a whole number



Returns remainder after dividing X by Y

numeric, numeric

following(T) Returns next member of argument's enumerated type Enumerated type member Enumerated type member
forcst(input, time, horizon [, initial]) New in v6.6: Performs simple trend extrapolation Real, real, real [,real] Real
gaussian_var(X,Y) Returns a sample from a Gauusian distribution with mean X and SD Y Real, real real



Returns the largest value from an array [X] or the list {X}

numeric array/list

howmanytrue([B]) Takes an array of booleans and returns the number that are true List or array of booleans Integer
hypergeom(P, M, S) Returns a deviate from a hypergeometric distribution for population, P, number of marks M, and sample size S. integer, integer, integer integer


Returns length of hypotenuse of triangle with base X and height Y

numeric, numeric



Returns the index (instance number) of a member of a fixed membership or population submodel, for the level I of submodel nesting.

 Integer Integer or enumerated type member


New in v6.6: Returns the value of positive infinity.

 Real None


Returns the time at which this instance appeared -- argument is dummy

in_preceding(X) New in Simile v5.7: Returns value of X in preceding submodel instance Any scalar or array type As argument
in_progenitor(X) New in Simile v5.8: Returns value of X in submodel instance that reproduced to make current one Any scalar or array type As argument


Returns integer part of X

interpolate(X, [Xarray], [Yarray]) Returns interpolated value from [Yarray] corresponding to X's place in Xarray

Numeric, Array of numeric, Array of numeric

iterations(B) Counts executions of iterative submodel Boolean Integer


Recalls value of X from previous time step




Returns the smallest value from an array [X] or the list {X}

numeric array/list



Returns natural logarithm of X



Returns base-10 logarithm of X



Makes an array consisting of N lots of X

any type, integer

array of same type


Returns greater of X and Y

numeric, numeric



Returns lesser of X and Y

numeric, numeric

order([X]) Returns an array holding the indices of the argument array in ascending order of their values array of numeric array of integer


Returns the id of the individual whose reproduction gave rise to this one, or 0 if it immigrated or was created



When making an array with makearray, this gives each term's position in the array -- argument is nesting depth

poidev(X) Returns a value from the Poisson distribution with the given mean numeric integer
posgreatest([X]) Returns the index of the highest value in the argument array Array of numeric values Integer or enumerated type member
posleast([X]) Returns the index of the lowest value in the argument array Array of numeric values Integer or enumerated type member


Returns X raised to the power Y

numeric, numeric

preceding(T) Returns previous member of argument's enumerated type Enumerated type member Enumerated type member


Returns the value of this component N time steps ago




Result is the product of all elements of the array [X] or the list {X}

numeric array/list


pulse(H, T [, I])

Generates a single time step pulse of magnitude M at time T, and before or after at intervals of I if I present

numeric, numeric, numeric



Generate a linearly increasing or decreasing value over time with the given slope

numeric, numeric



(Deprecated) Returns a random number between X and Y, which stays the same until the simulation is reset.

numeric, numeric



Returns a random number between X and Y, with a new value every time step.

numeric, numeric

rankings([X]) Returns ranking of each element in order of size Array of numerics Array of integers


Rounds X up or down to the nearest whole number

sgn(X) Returns the size of X; -1 if negative, 1 otherwise    


Takes the name of a fixed-membership submodel and returns the number of instances that it has.



Takes the name of a fixed-membership submodel and returns the size of one of its dimensions

submodel, numeric


smth1(x,a), smth3(x,a), smthn(x,a,n)

Insert a material smoothing of order 1, 3 or n


numerical, numerical, integer (smthn only)


Returns the square root of X


step(H, T)

Generate a step increase (or decrease) at the given time

numeric, numeric numeric


Stops the simulation, displaying value of X in a popup message


Returns running totals from summing the elements in the supplied array

Numeric array Numeric array


Result is the sum of all elements of the argument

numeric array/list



Returns the current simulation time (the argument is ignored)

trigger_magnitude() Returns value of triggering event    As triggering event
var_delay(X,T) Returns value of X as it was T time units earlier in run, or 0 or "false" if this is before component existed Any non-array type, numeric expression As first argument


Returns a value from the list {X} with probabilities proportional to the corresponding values in the list {N}

numeric list,       any list

member of second arg



Returns the value from an array [X] or the list {X} whose position in the array or list corresponds to the largest value in the array [N] or list {N}

numeric array/list, any array/list




Returns the value from an array [X] or the list {X} whose position in the array or list corresponds to the smallest value in the array [N] or list {N}

numeric array/list, any array/list


In addition, a full range of trigonometric functions are provided.

In: Contents >> Working with equations >> Functions


Please note that these are NOT all the built-in functions in Simile. Do not forget to check the links below for other functions available. Also helps to do a global search for a function that you are looking for. You might be lucky to guess how it's called.

Thanks for drawing our attention to the fact that the alphabetical list is incomplete. Work is starting to bring the list up to date.