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Association submodel

Uses the Simile “association submodel” to specify a relationship between objects (e.g. ownership of fields by farmers)

Defining an association using a data file


 An association between objects can often be worked out using a formula. For example, you can work out that pairs of grid squares are next to each other (“the 'next-to' association between grid squares”) knowing the row and column of each square. However, sometimes this is difficult or simply impossible. For example, you may want to represent which person is friends with another person: all you can do is provide data on the pairs of people that are friends with each other.


  Equations in Patch

ID = index(1)

Equations in Neighbour
condition = (any(ID1 == [ID1]and ID2 == [ID2]) or any(ID1 == [ID2]and ID2 == [ID1]))
where: ID1 = Patch/ID (from Patch in role1) ID2 = Patch/ID (from Patch in role2) [ID1] = Neighbour data/ID1 [ID2] = Neighbour data/ID2

Equations in Neighbour data
ID1: read from .csv file
ID2: read from .csv file




in submodel /Neighbour

at time 0

Sun Feb 26 19:57:04 +0000 2012


1    2 "true"   4 "true"    

2    1 "true"   5 "true"   

3    4 "true"   5 "true"   

4    1 "true"   3 "true"   5 "true"   

5    2 "true"   3 "true"   4 "true"   


Animal movement and interaction with their environment


 In this model, a population of animals (called ants) is created and the individuals move around at random. The area in which they move is represented by a grid of hexagons.

An association model is created to relate each individual to the hexagon it currently occupies. The technique of one-sided enumeration is used to make this association; it is vital that it happens efficiently, because it changes each time step. In this case the position of each ant is used to determine the index of the submodel instance for the hexagon containing it.


 Equations in antsworld

Variable n
n = int(sqrt(size(World)))

Variable neighbour offsets a
neighbour offsets a = [0,1,1,0,-1,-1]

Variable neighbour offsets b
neighbour offsets b = [1,0,-1,-1,0,1]

Variable neighbour offsets c
neighbour offsets c = [-1,-1,0,1,1,0]

Equations in Ants

Immigration im1
im1 = 0.1

Variable Pheromone output
Pheromone output = 1

Variable my body size
my body size = 2

Variable my direction
my direction = ceil(rand_var(0,6))

Variable my head size
my head size = 1

Variable my space
my space = infront=element(last([neighbour_spaces]),my_direction),if time()==init_time() then 5102 elseif infront>0 then infront else prev(1)
my_direction=my direction
[neighbour_spaces]=neighbour spaces

Variable neighbour spaces
neighbour spaces = [neighbours_at]
[neighbours_at]= ../location/neighbours (to Ants in at)

Variable x
x = x_at
x_at= ../location/x (to Ants in at)

Variable y
y = y_at
y_at= ../location/y (to Ants in at)

Equations in location

Condition cond1
cond1 = index(1) is my_space_at
my_space_at= ../Ants/my space (from Ants in at)

Variable Pheromone
Pheromone = Pheromone_output_at
Pheromone_output_at= ../Ants/Pheromone output (from Ants in at)

Variable neighbours
neighbours = [their_ids_has]

[their_ids_has]= ../World/neighbours/their ids (from World in has)

Variable x
x = x_has
x_has= ../World/x (from World in has)

Variable y
y = y_has
y_has= ../World/y (from World in has)

Equations in World

Compartment Pheromone
Initial value = 0
Rate of change = + Addition

Flow Addition
Addition = sum({Pheromone_has})
{Pheromone_has}= ../location/Pheromone (to World in has)

Variable a
a = ceil(index(1)/n)-ceil(n/2)
n= ../n

Variable b
b = index(1)-n*a-ceil(n*n/2)
n= ../n

Variable c
c = -a-b

Variable my id
my id = index(1)

Variable x
x = 50+(a-c)* 0.866

Variable y
y = 50+b* 1.5

Equations in borders

Variable x
x = off=sqrt(3/4),x+element([0,off,off,0,-off,-off],index(1))
x= ../x

Variable y
y = y+element([1, 0.5, -0.5,-1, -0.5, 0.5],index(1))
y= ../y

Equations in neighbours

Variable a
a = a+element([neighbour_offsets_a],index(1))
a= ../a
[neighbour_offsets_a]= ../../neighbour offsets a

Variable b
b = b+element([neighbour_offsets_b],index(1))
b= ../b
[neighbour_offsets_b]= ../../neighbour offsets b

Variable c
c = c+element([neighbour_offsets_c],index(1))
c= ../c
[neighbour_offsets_c]= ../../neighbour offsets c

Variable their ids
their ids = if all([a,b,c]> - (n/2)) and all([a,b,c]




 This image shows the distribution of pheromone over the grid are after 3000 time units:

Ants model hexagon map

Age-class model of population dynamics, using a multiple-instance submodel and an association submodel


 This models a population of animals in terms of four age-classes. For each age-class, we use a compartment (state variable) to represent the number of individuals in that class. This version uses a four-instance submodel to represent the four age-classes. The ageing flow (from one class to the next) thus has to be handled by transferring the value for the outflow from each class to be assigned to the inflow for the next class.


Equations in Desktop

births = sum([these_births])
pop size = sum([pop_size])

Equations in Age class

pop size: initial value = element([2,0,0,0],index(1))

ageing in = sum({ageing_next})
Where: {ageing_next}=../Next class/ageing (to Age class in next)

ageing out = element([1,0.2,0.1,0],index(1))*pop_size

births = if index(1)==1 then births else 0

deaths = m*pop_size

class = index(1)

m = element([0.05,0.01,0.01,0.05],index(1))

r = element([0,0.05,0.2,0.1],index(1))*(1-total_pop_size/100)

these births = r*pop_size

Equations in Next class

condition = class_next==class_this+1
Where: class_this=../Age class/class (from Age class in this) class_next=../Age class/class (from Age class in next)

ageing = ageing_out_this
Where: ageing_out_this=../Age class/ageing out (from Age class in this)


here: ageing_out_this=../Age class/ageing out (from Age class in this)/    



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