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WYSIWYG edited pages have no new lines

Paragraphs are correctly enclosed in <p></p> and no <br> are used. Oviously at the moment the CSS doesn't create a new line at the end of a paragraph.

Adding an empty line in the doesn't help as it just adds an empty paragraph (actually includes a non-breaking space).


I've forced my blog entries my going into the source and adding <br/>. We should comply with XHTML and close all tags.



Is this to do with text for topics being filtered?

There are Administer options to do filter the text users enter and the default is "safe html". I've just given administrators the option to use full html. I don't know the relationship between the WYSIWYG editor and filters but the html produced by the editor may well be subject to any filter set.

At the bottom of this post I now get options for "Input format" and I will select "Full HTML". If this post has new lines that indicates that filtration must be disabled in the admin settings for the WYSIWYG editor to work. Secrurity issues?

Well, the preview had paragraphs not just line wrapping.

Nothing to do with CSS but with the safe html filter.

Default nput format is still "Filtered HTML" for blog posts though not for pages despite

Input format: default changed to full HTML