Imagine if...
- you could build a model without having to learn programming, with no restrictions on what you could put into the model
- models could be built in a fraction of the time currently required
- you could run the same model on various platforms, even parallel computers
- models could be seamlessly integrated with GIS
- you could customise the types of displays used for visualising model behaviour
- you could automatically generate a description for any model in a variety of formats and level of detail
- you could share models with other people as easily as you can now share Word documents
- you could search the internet for models just like you can now search for web pages
- you could insert any model as a submodel in some larger model
- you could download any model you wanted by clicking on a link in a web page
- you could extract a submodel from a larger model, and run it as a stand-alone model
You can do all of these things with Simile, and more! And there's more to come...
- you will be able to edit or run any model you find in your web browser
- you will be able to query the structure of a model, just like you can query a database
- you will be able to link model variables to data sets using metadata
- you will be able to attach hyperlinks to any part of a model, taking a user to pages anywhere on the internet describing its biological or mathematical basis