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R. Filgueira, Guyondet, T., Comeau, L. A., and Grant, J., A fully-spatial ecosystem-DEB model of oyster (Crassostrea virginica) carrying capacity in the Richibucto Estuary, Eastern Canada, Journal of Marine Systems, vol. 136, pp. 42 - 54, 2014.
R. Filgueira, Grant, J., and Strand, Ø., Implementation of marine spatial planning in shellfish aquaculture management: modeling studies in a Norwegian fjord, Ecological Applications, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 832–843, 2014.
Y. H. Chew, Wenden, B., Flis, A., Mengin, V., Taylor, J., Davey, C. L., Tindal, C., Thomas, H., Ougham, H. J., de Reffye, P., Stitt, M., Williams, M., Muetzelfeldt, R., Halliday, K. J., and Millar, A. J., Multiscale digital Arabidopsis predicts individual organ and whole-organism growth, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014.
R. Filgueira, Guyondet, T., Comeau, L. A., and Grant, J., Physiological indices as indicators of ecosystem status in shellfish aquaculture sites, Ecological Indicators, vol. 39, pp. 134 - 143, 2014.
R. Filgueira, Guyondet, T., Comeau, L. A., and Grant, J., Storm-induced changes in coastal geomorphology control estuarine secondary productivity, Earth's Future, p. n/a - n/a, 2014.
