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Discussion of models, techniques, tips and tricks.

Arrays and Prolog

I am working on a function which is supposed to receive a two dimensional array and return one dimensional array, using C++ language.
If you have some experience on working with similar functions please let me know how you solved this problem.
Here are some problems I have encountered while working on this function.
1. How can I create a Prolog form for a function which will receive two dimensional array?
2. In C++ you can not return an array, but I can receive a pointer and work on arrays directly, will this work?


C++ implementation

I want to include my own C++ functions into Simile Projects, can someone tell what how to do it? I have already created a test C++ function and added it into procs.cpp file in Function folder, however, when I try to use that function it tells me- the function does not exist. Lest assume C++ code is correct, I have tested it with my own compiler. What should I do?


Double Loop

I am working on a spatial analysis project, I need to evaluate a neighboring cells defined by a two dimensional matrix of numbers, so I have to find a smallest number around and move position to that cell, and then do the same operation for a new position. Normally I would do it using double loop which will search for a smallest number in dimension from i-1 to i+1 and j-1 to j+1 (i-horisontal and j-vertical) How can I implement this in a Similie?


Error message


I have a model and following error message pops up:


Density Dependence

Hello - I'm new to the list and the software, but looking forward to discussions with users.
I'm attempting to use individual based modeling techniques to simulate an eelgrass meadow. Portions of the individual shoot's behavior will be dependent on how many neighbours it has within a specified area. Does anyone have tips on how to create a list for each individual of its number of neigbours? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!



Dear all

I have a rather easy question to pose.
I am creating a forest gap dynamics simulator and I have to include a ‘way’ of doing iterations lets say 40-50 (i.e the same ‘’randomised per iteration’’ model running for 40 times). I think that this could be done by using different time steps but as I have already 2 time steps in my model (monthly and annual) I don’t want increase the complexity.
I would appreciate any ideas.


Periodic boundary conditions on a spatial grid

Dear all,

My aim is to build a canopy photosysnthesis model for a heterogeneous multi-species vegetation on a spatial grid of 4.5 m x 4.5 m. I defined a 3-d grid using the advices for row and column definition. The boundaries of the scene shall not give rise to edge effects. Hence, I have to apply what is called a periodic boundary condition.

I see several possibilities for accomplishing this:
1. Setting the properties of the last grid element in each direction to the values of the first grid element (making a copy of first grid in last grid).



C++ compiler

I have a question concerning the GNU C++ compiler.

When I choose the Build in C++ command from the Model menu I can follow the processing of the compiler but finally I am not transferred to the Run Time Environment. Besides, when I choose Export as C++ code, the cpp file is not created. I consider those to be signs that the compiler is not working properly.


Problems with the "storing data table" helper

I'm in the process of finalizing the model I've been working on for my dissertation and the "storing data table" tool isn't working properly. I am using version 3.0 When I click on the + symbol to add a variable and then click on the variable to add, the selected variable no longer is added to the table. This happened once last week and then it started working again. Now I have the same problem again. Can anyone suggest what I ought to try to solve this problem?


running speed of large models

I have recently had a problem with a very large Simile model, now solved, and the conslusions might be of interest to other Simile users.
The CamFlores models, simulating relationships between people and their landscape at the edge of the central African humid forest, are probably the largest and most complex Simile models currently running. When saved, they are nearly 10 Mb each, and with such large models running speed can be a serious problem when trying to de-bug and fine-tune.



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