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Discussion of models, techniques, tips and tricks.

From matrix to submodels

I have a matrix data, and a series of layer of one submodel. Is possible to assign at one layer the values indicated in one column of the matrix, and at another layer the values indicated in another column? If it is possible, in which way? Thanks



Anyone using Simile for economic or financial markets modeling? I am very much a beginner at this, but Simile looks like an excellent tool to use to explore this environment.


Passing information from parent to offspring

I am trying to pass a value from a parent to an offspring, however, I seem to keep encountering a circular argument warning. I am using an association sub-model that specifies the parent child relationship. The population sub-model is made up of two sub-populations and I need to keep track of the number of individuals and have different interactions for the two sub-populations. Has anybody got any suggestions.



Output of submodel as input for migration

Hello there Forum members. This is my first time using the Forum as I've only been using Simile for the past 2 months. However, I've come across a problem that I'm hopeful more experienced users can help me with.


successive cycles requiring to re-set parameters

I am attempting to model oestradiol production by follicles of bovine ovaries. In brief, 7 follicles are growing simultaneously at different rates and interacting together (e.g. larger follicles prevent smaller to grow) and then regressing if they don't reach a certain level of oestradiol production that allows ovulation.


IBM movement

Dear all,
I would like make a individual-based model in SIMILE ).
I have n individual predator, and I have m patches. In each patch there is a compartment of prey.
I would like to simulate that each individual can go in each patch. Moreover more than one individual can be stay in one patch.
I did different experiments including individual in patch or patch in individual, but it doesn’t work.
Have you done something like that before?
Can you suggest some methods or ideas?



SimileScript process hangs if I don't show the model window

In my TCL script, I have the following:

modelWin UseMRE false
# modelWin Show
modelWin Open "./"
modelWin Run

I have the "Show" window commented out, as I'm trying to run the simulation without actually displaying it on the screen. This runs successfully, but when I try to exit the script after completing, the process hangs and does not exit successfully. Is there an explicit way to exit if I don't show the model window? Or do I need to show the model window in order to execute and exit successfully?


Exponential smoothing in Simile


Is there any way to implement exponential smoothing of a variable in Simile? I'm thinking of something like the TREND or SMOOTH functions in Powersim or Vensim.

Thanks a lot!



Running Simile tcl scripts in Linux

It is critical to our project to be able to run scripts on linux, since we will be running large models, so I would really like to get this working.

Below is some information: Basically, all this script does is try to load SimileAutoObj, and it is not working. Until this loads, I can't really do much.

If this will not work, I need to know as soon as possible so we can evaluate our options.



append env(PATH) {/Simile/System/bin}
lappend auto_path {/Simile/System/lib/SimileAutoObj}


Sample tcl scripts


I have looked at the sample scripts, and I think it would help me greatly to have an ultra-simple example of a tcl script that runs an ultra-simple model.

I will continue to try to understand the sample scripts.




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