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Working with model diagrams

Working with model diagrams

Working with the model diagram is the heart of the modelling process. The model diagram is a graphical representation of the all the elements and relationships within the system being modelled. Using the model diagram elements, and the tools described here, an infinite range of models can be created. All work on the model diagram uses a selection mechanism to determine the elements affected.

Adding node-type elements

Adding arrow-type elements

Adding submodels

There are four tools for manipulating the elements of the model diagram.

Selecting, in order to duplicate, move, delete or label elements

Dragging the canvas around inside the viewport to show different parts of the model (this can also be done with the scrollbars or mouse wheel)

Creating ghost elements

Inspect a model variable


The following tools are provided for convenience in working with model diagrams

Printing model diagrams

Undoing and redoing changes

Zooming in and out

  Aligning symbols on a grid

Searching for a particular element

The following advanced topics are dealt with separately.


Rescaling symbol size in a particular submodel

Customizing the diagram's appearance

Controlling the amount of detail shown in the model diagram


Following influences around the diagram


Adding pictures to the model diagram


Saving and re-running a Simile editing session


Setting preferences

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