area of flowers
Initial value = 10
Rate of change = + growth + decay
Comments: hectares (OK, Ford says acres, but we are in the 21st century now).
decay = area_of_flowers*decay_rate
growth = area_of_flowers*actual_growth_rate
A of t = Azero*exp(r*time(1))/(1+Azero*(exp(r*time(1))-1)/K)
actual growth rate = intrinsic_growth_rate*growth_rate_multiplier
Comments: dimensionless
area of flowers (both methods) = [area_of_flowers,A_of_t]
fraction occupied = area_of_flowers/suitable_area
growth rate multiplier = graph(fraction_occupied)
intrinsic growth rate = 1
Comments: I.e. 100% per year
Azero = 10
Comments: Initial area of flowers (hectare)
decay rate = 0.2
Comments: Proportion decaying (per year)
K = 800
Comments: "Maximum value that the flowered area would reach over time"
r = intrinsic_growth_rate-decay_rate
suitable area = 1000
Comments: hectares (see 'area of flowers'...)