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Cannot assign other users to an issue

From our point of view this is a bug but it seems a design choice by Drupal for their projects.  (Not an ideal choice though, I think.)

Any administrator can create issue records but even if we have agreed who will do what the assigned person has to edit the issue themselves to update the assigned field.

This has aleady been added as a feature request,, and has some hacks that may work for our site.

Sun, 02/03/2008 - 11:37
Mon, 12/05/2008 - 10:23

Upgrade to Drupal 6

Drupal 6 status

A new major version of Drupal is about to be released so at some point we should upgrade to it. Our Drupal site (along with most others) rely on addition modelules. Releases of Drupal are a bit messy because of the high degree of dissagregation of the development. The core is publicly released before most modules to give a stable platform for module writers. Core 6 is now released (and patched) but modules vital for most sites, such as views and CCK (see below), are still being worked on.

Add Simile features page

Page created but mustbe written, products/simile-features.htm

Sat, 01/03/2008 - 12:24
Sun, 02/03/2008 - 16:29

Concentration-dependent outflow

This model addresses the following problem:

You have a physical container with two substances, say water and salt.   You know the expression which governs the flow of water out of the container, and need to work out the rate at which salt flows out.  

Assuming that the salt in the outflow is at the same concentration as the salt in the container, the answer is to work out the salt concentration in the container, then use this, along with the water outflow, to calculate the rate of salt outflow.

Robert's templates

These are Robert's templates.

My approach is based on instantiating only those parts of the template which are critical to its functioning.   All other bits are left red.  This is a signal to the user, so they can see which bits they ned to tie in to their own model.

I think there is a separate issue about having a working example for each template, but I think that the template itself should oblige the user to instantiate non-template parts.



Estimate day and night temperature from 24 hour minimum and maximum temperatures

This very simple template of just 5 elements (2 input parameters and 3 variables) is a scheme for roughly estimating the average temperature during the day and during the night.

Model diagram

Model diagram of TdayTnightFromTmaxTmin

Equation listing

Excerpt from PnET

Proposal: Enabling the MOLUSC model to run on the ECDF cluster

The aim of this proposal is to enable MOLUSC model, implemented in Simile, to be run on the ECDF (Edinburgh Compute and Data Facility) cluster. This will enable many instances of the model to be run in parallel, which in turn will support various analyses of the model, including sensitivity analysis, parameter estimation, and the investigation of conditional probabilistic futures.

The attached Appendix considers the technical issues and options involved in porting the MOLUSC model to the ECDF.

Proposed work



Step-by-step tutorials

We present a number of step-by-step tutorials to help you get to know the Simile visual modelling environment.

The first tutorial introduces you to basic Simile techniques. You should work through it before trying the others, since they generally assume that you have done this. The remaining tutorials can be tackled in any order, depending on your interests.

Stage 4: Visualising the trees in space

Step 1
Add two variables inside the tree submodel, and rename them x and y.

Stage 3: Calculating aggregate information

Step 1
Add a variable outside the tree submodel, and rename it total.
Step 2
Draw an influence arrow from the compartment size inside the tree submodel to the variable total.


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