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Agent in patch

This template represents an agent or individual moving over a surface represented by a grid, for example, animals (agents) moving through vegetation represented by a grid to air parcels moving over a surface in a Langrangian model.





Jonathan's templates

Jonathan's model templates.

Draft templates

Content page for the submodel templates that Robert, Mark and Jonathan will make for the 29th Feb.

Overlap with tips and tricks

There is a lot of overlap with Tips and tricks that we will try to sort out at the meeting Wednesday 27 Feb.

We decided that Tips and tricks (How to) should refer to a template if available

Models should be in version 4.

I've used version 5 so far so should redo them [jonthanm].



This section documents and provides reference material about (or points to it) the visual appearance of the site.

Initially the Garland theme was chosen because it provided the three-column layout. So far some time has been spent customising that theme.

Change the theme for narrower side bars

Side bars to be width of original site.

Margiins changed from 210px to 160px

Thu, 21/02/2008 - 17:32
Wed, 12/03/2008 - 23:23

Notes on going live, i.e. Drupal becomes

url rewrite / aliases

At the time of writing before going live with Drupal urls are* . To get rid of the drupal/ the .htaccess in the root directrory has to have a url rewrite rule.

Error reporting

Set error reporting to log file only: not to the screen.



Finish adding tutorials

Some to add from Tiki other from original.

Wed, 20/02/2008 - 00:18
Mon, 17/03/2008 - 08:23

Model conversion hub

This is the main hub for conversion between different model-representation formats.


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From     \

Add Issues menu item in the Support menu

I've set up a Simile project so we can use Drupal projects to manage an issues database.

We did have but it didn't actually get populated with real issues and published on the site.


Tue, 19/02/2008 - 15:36
Wed, 19/03/2008 - 10:23

Graph function dialog box, "edit as table" will not work if the x-axis does not start at zero.

The obvious work around is to edit the graph graphically - click on the graph to move the graph line.

The value for the point being dragged can also be tweaked by entering values in the "current position" "y" edit box.

Another work around would be to adjust the x-axis to start from 0, so if the input rangej should be 1.0 to 1.5 you would make the x-axis go from 0.0 to 0.5 then you could  "edit as table" and adjust the expression for resulting variable to work with the shifted graph, e.g. "evapo multiplier from specific gravity" = graph(specific_gravity-1.0).

Tue, 19/02/2008 - 14:26
Wed, 16/06/2010 - 19:18


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