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Flow arrow


The flow arrow is used to specify a term contributing to the rate of change of a compartment. If the flow arrow enters a compartment, it specifies a positive contribution to the rate of change of that compartment. If it leaves the compartment, it specifies a negative contribution to the rate of change.



The compartment symbol is used to represent a quantitative state variable. Notionally, we think of a compartment as containing an amount of some substance, though it can be used in other situations where we want to represent the concept of state.

Chapter 4. Simile model-diagram elements

Simile model diagrams are constructed from the following set of 12 symbols.

Using a submodel to specify different time bases for different parts of a model

By default, all parts of your model tick at the same rate, as specified by the Update every... value in the run control dialogue window. However, you will sometimes want to get parts of the model updated less (or more) frequently than others. For example, you may have a model containing both trees and a crop. The crop you want to grow on a weekly basis, so you can capture its response to rainfall patterns, pest outbreaks etc. The trees grow slowly, and there is no point at all in calculating tiny increments on a week-by-week basis.

Using a submodel to specify a 'satellite' relationship

When you pass information out of fixed-membership multiple-instance submodel, it appears as an array with a fixed number of elements. You can extract the value for any one element using the element([array],index) function, and the element you extract will correspond to the instance in the fixed-membership submodel. This makes it possible to select values for one variable on the basis of the value for some other variable.

Using a submodel to specify an association between objects

Once our modelling language allows us to think in terms of multiple objects of a certain type, then it is frequently the case that we start to recognise relationships between objects. These relationships may be:

Using a submodel to specify the conditional existence of some part of the model

When a model is implemented in a conventional programming language, large chunks of the program can be enclosed inside an if...endif block: i.e. whether it is actually evaluated depends on some condition. This programming device may be applied to several different purposes:

Using a submodel to specify a dynamically-varying population of objects

The modelling world divides into those whose models are based on differential/difference equations (with or without disaggregation); and those who subscribe to an approach based on collections of objects (variously called object-oriented, individual-based or agent-based modelling).

Using a submodel for disaggregation; or (conversely) specifying a fixed number of objects of a certain class

These two terms are lumped together because they are the same concept, seen from opposite perspectives. You can disaggregate an area into a number of patches; or you can think in terms of one patch, then have multiple patches to represent some larger area. The end result in both cases is exactly the same.


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