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H. Elsayed, Djordjević, S., Savic, D., Tsoukalas, I., and Makropoulos, C., Water-food-energy nexus for transboundary cooperation in Eastern Africa, Water Supply, 2022.
S. Lauf, Haase, D., Hostert, P., Lakes, T., and Kleinschmit, B., Uncovering land-use dynamics driven by human decision-making – A combined model approach using cellular automata and system dynamics, Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 27-28, pp. 71 - 82, 2012.
R. Filgueira, Guyondet, T., Comeau, L. A., and Grant, J., Storm-induced changes in coastal geomorphology control estuarine secondary productivity, Earth's Future, p. n/a - n/a, 2014.
D. R. Brown, A spatiotemporal model of shifting cultivation and forest cover dynamics, Environment and Development Economics 13: , vol. 13, p. 28, 2008.
T. O. Randhir and Tsvetkova, O., Spatiotemporal dynamics of landscape pattern and hydrologic process in watershed systems, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 404, no. 1-2, pp. 1 - 12, 2011.
J. V. C. A. C. K. Information, Spatially-explicit competition indices and the analysis of mixed-species plantings with the Simile modelling environment , Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 233, no. 2-3, pp. 295-302, 2006.
R. I. Muetzelfeldt and Massheder, J., The Simile visual modelling environment., European Journal of Agronomy, vol. 18, pp. 345-358 , 2003.
J. Fang, Peringer, A., Stupariu, M. - S., Pătru-Stupariu, I., Buttler, A., Golay, F., and Porté-Agel, F., Shifts in wind energy potential following land-use driven vegetation dynamics in complex terrain, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 639, pp. 374 - 384, 2018.
A. E. Rizzoli, Donatelli, M., Athanasiadis, I. N., Villa, F., and Huber, D., Semantic links in integrated modelling frameworks, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 78, no. 2-3, pp. 412-423, 2008.
R. Filgueira, Guyondet, T., Comeau, L. A., and Grant, J., Physiological indices as indicators of ecosystem status in shellfish aquaculture sites, Ecological Indicators, vol. 39, pp. 134 - 143, 2014.
R. Filgueira, Grant, J., Bacher, C., and Carreau, M., A physical–biogeochemical coupling scheme for modeling marine coastal ecosystems, Ecological Informatics, vol. 7, pp. 71-80, 2012.
D. R. Brown, Personal preferences and intensification of land use: their impact on southern Cameroonian slash-and-burn agroforestry systems, Agroforestry Systems, vol. 68, pp. 53–67, 2006.
H. Elsayed, Djordjević, S., Savić, D. A., Tsoukalas, I., and Makropoulos, C., The Nile Water-Food-Energy Nexus under Uncertainty: Impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, vol. 146, no. 11, p. 04020085, 2020.
R. Filgueira, Strople, L. C., Strohmeier, T., Rastrick, S., and Strand, Ø., Mussels or tunicates: That is the question. Evaluating efficient and sustainable resource use by low-trophic species in aquaculture settings, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 231, pp. 132 - 143, 2019.
M. E. G. C. S. R. H. N. Braudeau, E. and Martin, P., A multi-scale ''soil water structure'' model based on the pedostructure concept, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1111-1163, 2009.
R. Boumans, Roman, J., Altman, I., and Kaufman, L., The Multiscale Integrated Model of Ecosystem Services (MIMES): Simulating the interactions of coupled human and natural systems, Ecosystem Services, vol. 12, pp. 30 - 41, 2015.
A. Peringer, Schulze, K. A., Stupariu, I., Stupariu, M. - S., Rosenthal, G., Buttler, A., and Gillet, F., Multi-scale feedbacks between tree regeneration traits and herbivore behavior explain the structure of pasture-woodland mosaics, Landscape Ecology, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 913 - 927, 2016.
Y. H. Chew, Wenden, B., Flis, A., Mengin, V., Taylor, J., Davey, C. L., Tindal, C., Thomas, H., Ougham, H. J., de Reffye, P., Stitt, M., Williams, M., Muetzelfeldt, R., Halliday, K. J., and Millar, A. J., Multiscale digital Arabidopsis predicts individual organ and whole-organism growth, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014.
P. Wingo, Brookes, A., and Bolte, J., Modular and spatially explicit: A novel approach to system dynamics, Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 94, pp. 48 - 62, 2017.
M. Kariuki, Modelling the impacts of various thinning intensities on tree growth and survival in a mixed species eucalypt forest in central Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 256, no. 12, pp. 2007-2017, 2008.
