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Adding an image for the background of a submodel crashes Simile on reloading the saved model

Adding an image for the background of a submodel works, and I can save the model, but when I try to open the file by double clicking A window appears with the message "Co-ordinating model information", and Simile locks up.

If I open Simile and then open the model I get the error "Simile encountered an unexpected problem:
invalid command name "backgnd0".

From forum post images-submodels.

Tue, 28/04/2009 - 20:09
Mon, 05/10/2009 - 07:17

Simile v5.4 released -- exploiting the full power of twin-core machines

What's new in Simile v5.4?

Simile v5.4 represents around eight months' worth of enhancements and bug fixes since the previous release.

Built-in functions : with_colin function

with_colin function


Takes two lists with equal size, and returns an element from the second argument, picked at random with the probability of each element proportional to the value of the corresponding element in the first argument. A new return value is generated each time step.

Inputs: list of probabilities (real), list of corresponding values (any).

Outputs: element picked from second list (any).

Importing polygons from shapefiles

Given that a lot of individuals working with ecologica; models use spatial data, it would be great to have a means of importing shapefiles with polygon information

Fri, 03/04/2009 - 17:01
Fri, 12/10/2012 - 11:54

Orphan forum posts can be created

Forum posts that do not belong to a specific forum can be created from

  • the main forum page
  • create content menu

 These posts can then only be found from the Recent forum post list on the front page.

Tue, 31/03/2009 - 07:26
Wed, 22/06/2011 - 22:49


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