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Built-in functions: subtotals function

subtotals function

Takes an array of numeric values, and returns an array containing the running totals from summing the elements in the original array.


subtotals([1,9,2,10,3,8,5]) -> [1,10,12,22,25,33,38]

In: Contents >> Working with equations >> Functions >> Built-in functions

Built-in functions: preceding function

preceding function


Takes an argument T that is a member of an enumerated type, and returns the previous member of the enumerated type.

Input: enumerated type member, or array of enumerated type members

Result: enumerated type member, or array of enumerated type members


If enumerated type "fruit" is defined as "apple", "grape", "banana":

preceding("grape") --> "apple"

Built-in functions : following function


following function


Takes an argument T that is a member of an enumerated type, and returns the next member of the enumerated type.

Input: enumerated type member, or array of enumerated type members

Result: enumerated type member, or array of enumerated type members


If enumerated type "fruit" is defined as "apple", "grape", "banana":

following("apple") --> "grape"

Built-in functions : first function

first function


Takes an argument T that is a member of an enumerated type, and returns "true" if it is the first member of its type, and "false" otherwise.

Input: enumerated type member, or array of enumerated type members

Result: boolean, or array of boolean values


If enumerated type "fruit" is defined as "apple", "grape", "banana":

first("apple") --> "true"


Built-in functions : sgn function

sgn function


Returns -1 if X is negative, or 1 if X is zero or positive

Input: numeric, or array of numeric values

Result: integer, or array of integer values


sgn(1.9) --> 1

sgn(-1.1) --> -1

System Dynamics modelling in the Modelica modelling language

I've been looking at a number of other modelling languages, primarily to see how models are represented in the language.   One of these is Modelica, which is mainly aimed at the development of engineering-related models. A number of modelling environments, such as Dymola, are fully Modelica-compliant. 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Simulistics subcontracted by Edinburgh University to work on the NitroEurope project

Further refine the B-LINE 2 model of nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised grassland (developed in earlier joint projects between the University of Edinburgh and Simulistics Ltd.) to allow it to be applied to the emission of nitrous oxide from the very wet soils of riparian buffer strips that receive high inputs of nitrate in farm drainage waters – one of the manipulations within the Grassland part of NitroEurope Component 2 – using, as previously, the Simile visual modelling environment developed by Simulistics Ltd.

Update to 5.14 and any modules

Security updates.

Mon, 15/12/2008 - 09:46
Mon, 29/12/2008 - 10:44

Simulistics subcontracted to work on "A modelling portal for the UK plant systems biology community" (PlaSMo)

Simulistics Ltd was contracted by University of Wales, Aberystwyth in July 2008 to provide expertise in the declarative modelling of plant systems.

Sample set of generated variable names (1)

Here is my first set of generated names (11 Nov 2008)



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