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Built-in functions: hypergeom function

hypergeom function

hypergeom(Pop, Mark, Sample)

Returns a deviate from a hypergeometric distribution for a given population, number of marks, and size of sample.

Inputs: Population size (int), number of marked individuals (int), size of sample from population (int)

Outputs: deviate of number of marked individuals from sample

Built-in functions : binome function

binome function

binome(prob, n)

Input: Real numerical value, integer value

Result: A value from the binomial distribution with the given probability and number of trials. A new random deviate is generated each time step.

The binomial distribution describes the probability of a given number of positive outcomes occurring when a number n of trials are carried out, each with a certain probability p of a positive outcome.

Buit-in functions : poidev function

poidev function


Input: Real numerical values

Result: A value from the Poisson distribution with the given mean. A new random deviate is generated each time step.

The poisson distribution describes the probability of a given number of positive outcomes occurring in the limiting case of the binomial distribution, i.e., with very many trials each with a very small chance of a positive outcome.

Built-in functions : gaussian_var function

gaussian_var function

gaussian_var(mean, sd)

Input: Two real numerical values

Result: A random sample from a Gaussian (normal) distribution, with the supplied mean and standard deviation. A new random sample is generated each time step.

This function is implemented using a pseudo-random sequence generator; notes regarding its behaviour can be found in the documentation for the rand_var function.


daily_rainfall = gaussian_var(annual_rainfall/365, 1.0)

Built-in functions : var_delay function

var_delay function


Input: a variable name and a numerical value (real or integer) of time units

Result: the value (any type) of the named variable, n time units ago

Built-in functions: const_delay function


const_delay function


Input: a variable name and a numerical constant (real or integer) of time units

Result: the value (any type) of the named variable, n time units ago

Built-in functions: iterations function

iterations function


Returns number of iterations that have been done up to this point in an alarm submodel. Argument is the boolean balue from the alarm symbol.

Input: value from an alarm symbol in the local submodel

Result: integer

Built-in functions: dies_of function



dies_of function


Returns true if argument is the loss channel that will cause the individual to disappear at the end of the current time step.

Input: value from a loss channel in the local submodel

Result: boolean

Built-in functions: at_init function

at_init function


Returns the value the argument had when first used, i.e., on model reset or when the submodel instance containing this equation was created.

at_init(X) creates an implicit intermediate result, which has the same dimensions as its argument. So if this result is implicitly replicated elsewhere in the equation, the same value will be used each time. See makearray for behaviour in explicit replication.

Built-in functions: rankings function

rankings function

Takes an array of numeric values, and returns an array with the ranks of the corresponding elements in the argument. This is 1 for the largest element, and equal to the size of the array for the smallest.


rankings([1,9,2,10,3,8,5]) -> [7,2,6,1,5,3,4]


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